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ASWIS History
Established in 2015, the Alliance of Social Workers in Sports raises awareness of the ways in which social work practice can partner with and contribute to all levels and all segments of sports. ASWIS promotes a social worker in sports perspective that is grounded in social and economic justice, strength-based approaches, and person-in-environment frameworks. ASWIS encourages the full range of social work practice in sports, from case management and clinical services through advocacy and policy practice for every level and segment of sports.
ASWIS finalized its incorporation in June 2016 and become an official 501(c)(3) in March of 2017.
EIN Number: 81-3890412
The Alliance of Social Workers in Sports is pleased to offer recordings of the 6th Annual Social Work in Sports Symposium for purchase. To purchase and gain access to the symposium and discuss CEUs please email We will send you an invoice for $40. Upon receipt of a paid invoice, video links will be emailed to you within 48 hours.
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