ASWIS History
Established in 2015, the Alliance of Social Workers in Sports raises awareness of the ways in which social work practice can partner with and contribute to all levels and all segments of sports. ASWIS promotes a social worker in sports perspective that is grounded in social and economic justice, strength-based approaches, and person-in-environment frameworks. ASWIS encourages the full range of social work practice in sports, from case management and clinical services through advocacy and policy practice for every level and segment of sports.
ASWIS finalized its incorporation in June 2016 and become an official 501(c)(3) in March of 2017.
EIN Number: 81-3890412
2nd Annual Alliance of Social Workers in Sports Symposium
“Mentally Healthy Athletes Are High Performing Students & Athletes”
Clark Atlanta University
Co-Sponsored by the Clark Atlanta University
Whitney M. Young, Jr. School of Social Work
Tuesday, November 1st 2016
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm ASWIS Executive Committee Meeting
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Meet and Greet – Atlanta Hard Rock Café
Sponsored by the University of Tennessee College of Social Work and Michigan State University School of Social Work
Wednesday, November 2nd 2016
8:00 am – 9:00 am Registration and Poster Session (Presenters Listed Below)
Sponsored by Barry University School of Social Work
LGBTQ Athletes in Collegiate Sports
Marlene Scott-Bruner, BA, MSW Candidate, Indiana University Northwest
First Generation College Athletes
Andrew Bracken, Florida State University, MSW Candidate
The Game, The Violence, The Head
Ryan Sanders, MSW
Facilitating the Psycho-Social Needs of Student Athletes through Coaching and School Social Work
Coach Traci Nigg, LMSW, Wichita Public Schools
Utilization of Trauma-informed Interventions to Reduce Athlete Distress
Charlotte Dean, MSW, LCSW, LCASA, PORT Human Services
Risky Business: Academic Retention & College Athletes
Timothy Fairbanks LMSW, CADC, Learning Assistant, University of Iowa
9:00 am – 10:50 am Ted “Colloquy” Session One (Presenters Listed Below)
Stuck in Sports: Risk, Resilience, and Transitions for Division I Male Revenue-Sport Athletes
Jerry F. Reynolds II, LMSW, PhD Student, University of South Carolina College of Social Work
Victor Kidd, LCSW, PhD Student, University of South Carolina Department of Sport and Entertainment Management
Creating a Culture of Care-seeking: Strategies for Encouraging and Supporting Student-athlete Well-being
Lindsey Sanders, MSW, LCSW, Doctoral Student, Athletics AOD Counseling & Education Liaison, Institute to Promote Athlete Health & Wellness, University of North Carolina Greensboro, Department of Public Health Education
Scars Are Stories, Share Yours!
Lisa Borchardt, LCSW, Professor of Social Work, Nebraska Wesleyan University, Grief Counselor, Journey Through Living
Learning Disabilities Amongst Today’s NCAA Student-Athletes
Heath Hooper, PhD, Shorter University
Exploring the Impact of Interpersonal Violence on Mental Health among College Athletes
Lorin Mordecai, MSW, LSW, PhD Student, University of Connecticut School of Social Work
Jerry F. Reynolds II, LMSW PhD Student , University of South Carolina College of Social Work
Post-concussion Syndrome in Former NFL Players: Negative Impacts of Mental Health Misdiagnosis and Incomplete Care
Diana Rowan, PhD, MSW, LCSW, University of North Carolina Charlotte
Reggie Clark, Former NFL Player
Athletes Connected: Results from a Pilot Project to Address Knowledge and Attitudes about Mental Health among College Athletes.
Emily Brunemann, MSW Candidate, University of Michigan
Adam Kern, BA, Study Coordinator of Athletes Connected
11:10 am - 12:20 pm Panel One – Mental Health & College Athletics
Sponsored by The 1 IN 4 Project
Moderator: Joey Garcia, MSW, University of North Dakota
Barb Hansen, LMSW, University of Michigan
Walter Dunson, Former NFL Athlete
Greg Harden, University of Michigan
Brad Horton, Georgia State, Director of Student-Athlete Development
Dr. Josie Nicholson, University of Mississippi
12:30 PM – 1:10 pm Lunch and Luncheon Speaker
Sponsored by North Carolina State University - Department of Social Work
1:20 pm – 3:20 pm Ted “Colloquy” Session Two (Presenters Listed Below)
Mindfulness: A Tool to Build Focus and Performance in Individual and Team Sports
Patricia Dixon LMSW, Wayne State University
Coach Michael Horn, Wayne State University Golf Team
Kirk Guanco LMSW, Wayne State University Counseling and Psychological Services and Athletics Department
New Generation Athletic Behavior Model: A Guide for the Millennial Student-Athlete
Joey Garcia, MSW, University of North Dakota
The Impact of Coach Leadership Behavior on Athlete Performance
Younghan Lee, PhD, Mississippi State University
Kim Milyang, PhD, Soonchunhyang University, Korea
The Artistic Endeavors of Clinical Social Work and Coaching
Marc Felizzi, LCSW, PhD, Millersville University of Pennsylvania
The Sport Social Work Model: Using Social Work Values and Ethics to Improve the Health and Functioning of College Athletes
Jorge Ballesteros, Ball State University
Cale Hansen, Ball State University
Haley Reifel, Ball State University
Matt Moore, PhD, MSW, Ball State University
The Challenges Experienced by Collegiate African American Male Athletes
Kimberly Outlaw, MSW, LCAS-A, East Carolina University
Dr. Mary S. Jackson, ACSW, CCJS, LIDC, CCS, East Carolina University
The University of Michigan Youth Impact Program
Kayla Douglas, University of Michigan, MSW Candidate
Sara Driesenga, University of Michigan, MSW Candidate
Delonte Hollowell, University of Michigan, MSW Candidate
3:30 pm – 4:15 pm Keynote Speaker, Warde Manuel, MSW, Athletic Director University of Michigan
Sponsored by North Carolina State University - Department of Social Work
4:20 pm – 5:30 pm Panel Two - Mental Health & Professional Athletes
Sponsored by the University of Southern California School of Social Work
Moderator: Dr. Tiffanie Victorie Jones, ASWIS
Marcus Amos, Prevention Education for Athletes
Andrew Hauser, Atlanta Braves, Director of Players Health & Performance​
Dr. Gerry White, Clark Atlanta University
Jacquelyn Coward, Professional Athlete
Reggie Clark, Former NFL Player
Thursday, November 3rd 2016
8:00 am - 8:30 am Presentation
Prescription Drug Addiction and Mental Health Issues Among Athletes: Increasing Preventive Measures and Supportive Services for Athletes
Marcus Amos, MRC, MS
8:30 am – 11:30 am CEU Training (Free to ASWIS Members)
Sponsored by Ball State University - College of Health
Sexual Assault Within Sports: Examining the Layers of Betrayal
Cindy Miller Aron, LCSW, CGP, FAGPA
Dr. Ginger Gummelt, LCSW
This workshop will explore the sexual assault victim and the systemic issues within the University structure that compound the traumatic impact of the experience. The particular developmental stage of life, combined with the attachment and dependence upon the athletic department sets the stage for a shattering of illusions experienced as institutional betrayals. It is well established that traumatic events, interpersonal in nature, often are remarkably damaging because the betrayal occurred between trusted individual and/or system. This combined with what are likely inherent dependencies (scholarship, livelihood, identity) create the necessary matrix for ‘betrayal blindness’ in which there is a tendency to overlook the transgressions. Recommendations will be given using the NCAA Sexual Violence Prevention Toolkit.
11:30 am – 12:30 pm Organizational Meeting
In-Kind Sponsors
East Carolina University School of Social Work
The Atlanta Hard Rock Café
Bill Vanderwill, University of Michigan
The University of Alabama School of Social Work