ASWIS History
Established in 2015, the Alliance of Social Workers in Sports raises awareness of the ways in which social work practice can partner with and contribute to all levels and all segments of sports. ASWIS promotes a social worker in sports perspective that is grounded in social and economic justice, strength-based approaches, and person-in-environment frameworks. ASWIS encourages the full range of social work practice in sports, from case management and clinical services through advocacy and policy practice for every level and segment of sports.
ASWIS finalized its incorporation in June 2016 and become an official 501(c)(3) in March of 2017.
EIN Number: 81-3890412
ASWIS Listserv
ASWIS operates a listserv for all members. Below are the rules and guidelines to ensure the effectiveness of this email list.
ASWIS Listserv Rules & Guidelines
The purpose of the listserv is to share information and provide networking with and between members of the Alliance of Social Workers in Sports (ASWIS). The following are the rules and conditions of participation in ASWIS listserv.
Messages sent to a listserv should be related to the mission, values, and guiding principles of ASWIS. Please do not send messages to this listserv if they are counter productive to the items listed above. Listserv postings are not permitted to be forwarded to anyone outside of the subscribed users. We do this to protect the integrity of ASWIS and to ensure our members are receiving benefits that non-members should not receive. Examples of items that relate to the mission of ASWIS include the distribution of scholarly articles, research studies, member announcements, advice seeking, fact sharing, etc.
Think about your Audience
Only send a message to the entire list when it contains information that everyone may find beneficial. Your posting will be distributed to 250+ people. Please consider whether your post will add to the discussion in an informative way that will be of value to others, or whether it is best to send it privately. Please refrain from posting “thank you,” “me too”, or personal comments that are directed only to the individual who sent the email.
Our preference when there are many individuals responding to a singular post (e.g., posted article) is to have messages sent directly to the original sender and for the original sender to summarize responses and to share that summary with the entire group.
Check the “To:” field
Before you send your message, check the “To:” field to determine if your message is addressed to the whole list or just the sender of the email. When replying to a message, determine if you intend for the reply to go to the entire listserv or only to the person who posted the question. When you hit “reply” to the listserv email, the entire list will receive your reply. If you want to reply only to the person who sent the message, copy and paste their email address and forward the email reply.
Use the Subject Line
Make the subject line descriptive so that recipients have a depiction of the message from glancing at the subject line. This allows members to respond more appropriately and makes it easier for members to search the archives by subject.
Include your Name
To preserve the integrity of the listserv, please include your name and your affiliation if appropriate. It is good practice to include a few lines at the end of your message indicating your name and email address.
Purpose of Listserv Rules
Over the past couple of months, we have received an increase in the number of postings on our listserv. We greatly value the opinion and the passion of our members. We also want to ensure that all items shared on the listserv lead to an increased level of productivity as we work to promote the health and well-being of athletes. We feel these rules will allow for us to streamline responses and to better empower all of our members.
Our executive committee believes that a good majority of the posts could lead to website blogs, social media campaigns, position statements, and other advocacy and educational platforms to serve both our membership and those in the sport community.
We hope these rules will encourage our members to tackle new leadership opportunities and the development of these resources. Ultimately, we want to see the hunger our members have for bettering the lives of the sport community play out in new fashion.
How this will Work
Our Executive Committee stands ready, willing, and able to assist our members in creating the type of advocacy responses discussed above. We encourage those who are receiving responses and generating ideas from the listserv to contact any member of our Executive Committee. You can do this by emailing admin@aswis.org. We also encourage you to work with the members of our social media team so they can distribute stories and news online, which will allow for an alternative opportunity for responding, sharing, and growing awareness of the injustices and opportunities for growth that exist within sport. Social media is an excellent place for discussion of current issues and events, lively discussion/debate, though sharing, and thought provoking.