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Alliance of Social Workers in Sports Bylaws 


Created November 2016 (Revised and Approved December 2022)


Article I. Name and Mission


Section 1


The name of this organization shall be the Alliance of Social Workers in Sports (ASWIS).


Section 2


The mission of the Alliance of Social Workers in Sports is to promote individual and community well-being through partnerships between the profession of social work and the field of athletics. We focus on partnerships in practice, research, and policy, with involvement and awareness in all areas where social work and sports systems intersect.


Article II. Membership


Section 1


Social work professionals (e.g., practitioners, advocates, faculty members) and practitioners from other disciplines who have a history or passion for working with athletes, their allies, athletic organizations, communities and other social institutions are invited to be members of this Alliance.  Coaches, athletic trainers, athletic department personnel, athletic medical staff, sport psychologists, clinical psychologists, community organizers and social justice advocates and all other individuals with a passion for the mental health and well-being of athletes and using the athletic platform to build strong communities are also encouraged to join. Current undergraduate and graduate students hoping to obtain a career working in the development and care of athletes are also invited to be members of this Alliance.


Section 2


Membership is divided into three categories (professional, student, and institutional/agency memberships). Membership runs January through January. The Alliance does not offer prorated memberships. Refunds are at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


Professional Membership: Social work professionals (e.g., practitioners, advocates, faculty members) and practitioners from other disciplines who have a history or passion for working with athletes, their allies, athletic organizations, communities and other social institutions are invited to be members of this Alliance. Coaches, athletic trainers, athletic department personnel, athletic medical staff, sport psychologists, clinical psychologists, community organizers and social justice advocates and all other individuals with a passion for the mental health and well-being of athletes and using the athletic platform to build strong communities are also encouraged to join. 


Student Membership: Current undergraduate and graduate students hoping to obtain a career or build expertise in the care of athletes and the impact of the athletic arena in all communities, can join as student members. Students must show they are enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program that provides training in social work or other related fields to receive the discounted student membership rate. Individuals who are one year post graduation are also eligible for the student membership rate. 


Institutional/Agency Membership: Colleges, universities, social work agencies, or other related agencies can join as institutional or agency members. 


Section 3


All members may vote on all Alliance matters, as put forth by the Executive Committee. In order to vote on Alliance matters, members must be in good standing with the Alliance.   


Section 4


A member in good standing is the status assigned to a member of the Alliance when that member has remained current on dues. Being a member in good standing affirms the member’s commitment to the mission, vision, and values of the Alliance. It is expected that members in good standing will work collaboratively to strengthen the Alliance and support the strategic plan. Furthermore, members should not engage in any activities that put the Alliance in financial or structural jeopardy, nor engage in any activities that will bring discredit to the Alliance. Members in violation of these standards can be removed by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Committee.  


Article III. Dues


Section 1


Each ASWIS member shall pay annual Alliance dues in an amount that is determined by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will keep membership records and notify members when dues need to be paid.  


Article IV. Code of Ethics


Section 1


The members and governance of this Alliance shall abide by the Code of Ethics for the National Association of Social Workers. Failure to abide by the Code of Ethics can lead to removal from the Alliance with a 2/3 vote of the Executive Committee.


Article V. Governance (Executive Team)


Section 1


The Executive Committee shall consist of no more than ten (10) elected members. All Executive Committee members shall be current Alliance members in good standing. If Alliance membership increases beyond 500 members the size of the Executive Committee can be revisited to include more members with majority consent of Alliance members.


Section 2


The term of office for Executive Committee members shall be for two (2) years. An Executive Committee member may serve two (2) terms in a row before sitting out a term or running for a new position within in the Executive Committee unless serving in the role as President. Any member serving as President must not run for the Executive Committee for two (2) years after their term as President ended. The President can only serve one two (2) year term.


Section 3


The Executive Committee shall develop a bi-annual strategic plan with the input of the ASWIS membership. The committee oversees budget preparation, financial planning, and oversight of organizational assets. The committee evaluates and assesses the needs of the ASWIS membership.  The committee also provides support and oversight to all standing committees. The Executive Committee handles matters brought forth by external organizations to best promote the mission, vision, and values of the ASWIS. 


Section 4


The Executive Committee shall hold a monthly scheduled meeting or conference call. The Executive Committee shall also meet face-to-face once per year (unless extreme circumstances exist). Any member of the Executive Committee may request additional meetings for matters important to the success of the Alliance. 


Section 5


A simple majority of the Executive Committee membership shall constitute a quorum for decision-making purposes.


Section 6


Officers of the Executive Committee shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Director. All other Executive Team members will be members at-large (two at-large professional members and one at-large student member). 


  1. President – Shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Alliance and shall preside over all meetings of the Alliance. The President shall oversee all operations of the Alliance. 

  2. Vice President – In the absence of the President, the Vice President will preside at all meetings of the Alliance. The Vice President shall assist the President in oversight of all operations of the Alliance and perform special duties assigned by the President. 

  3. Secretary – Shall maintain accurate records of Alliance matters. This includes preparation and circulation of organization minutes and correspondence. The Secretary should also perform special duties assigned by the President.   

  4. Treasurer – Shall be the supervising officer to maintain standardized accounting practices.  The Treasurer shall be responsible for collection of membership dues, certificate program fees, and approving all incoming and outgoing funds of the Alliance. The Treasurer shall prepare monthly records for audit and for distribution to the Executive Team. The Treasurer should also perform special duties assigned by the President.

  5. Communications Director – Shall serve as the social network coordinator (e.g., Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and blog) and act as a historian preserving artifacts from Alliance engagements. The Communications Director shall develop a quarterly newsletter and other promotional materials for the Alliance.

  6. Membership Director - Track membership communication in Administrative Account or membership software. Maintain and update membership roster weekly with new information; Coordinate state-wide and/or regional meetings with members to enhance relationships and professional opportunities. 

  7. Program Director - Oversee the successful planning and completion of educational, professional, or charitable membership-wide programs; Recruiting quarterly speakers for membership wide calls based on interests expressed by the majority of ASWIS members and other duties as assigned by President.

  8. Members At-large (2) – Perform duties assigned by the President and assist other officers in the completion of tasks.

  9. Student Member At-Large - Provide support for social media (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc.), and other duties as assigned by the President. 


Section 7


An Executive Committee member may be removed from office for failure to fulfill assigned duties or for serious misconduct by a vote of 2/3 of the Executive Committee.


Section 8 


The President-Elect shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee upon their election as incoming President. The President-Elect shall succeed to the Presidency at the conclusion of the President's term. The President-Elect shall ensure complete familiarity with the duties of the office of President by conscientious study and by close liaison and cooperation of the President and Vice-President. 


Section 9 


The role of the Immediate Past President is to ensure continuity during governance transitions and organizational change, to help ensure the appropriate succession of officers, to support the President in their role, and to provide continuity to the organization by providing historical context for issues.


Specific responsibilities include:


  • Participating in requested Executive Committee meetings and/or special meetings called by the President, members of the Executive Committee, or members at large.

  • Supporting the President in their position through mentoring, coaching, advising, and analysis of Executive Committee development and procedures.

  • Advocating for the Sport Social Work profession and for the Alliance whenever and wherever possible.

  • Providing a historical context for decision-making.

  • Conducting a transition meeting with their successor.

  • Communicating strategic issues to the Executive Committee and assisting in the development of a strategic plan.

  • Assisting in strategies for increasing revenue and in-kind support.

  • Perform additional duties as asked by the President.

  • Note: This is a non-voting position with a two (2) year term limit.


After two years, the Immediate Past President would be eligible to run for any elected Executive Committee position.


Article VI. Nominations and Elections


Section 1


The Executive Committee shall present, at minimum, a slate of all members eligible for the Executive Committee when vacancies are available.  To be eligible you must be a good standing member of the Alliance. Vacancies on the Executive Committee will occur in a staggered manner with no more than four (4) Executive Committee positions becoming available at a time.   


Section 2


The Executive Committee shall be in charge of establishing written election procedures and conducting the elections according to the bylaws and Alliance policy. Executive Committee members up for re-election shall recuse themselves from matters pertaining to upcoming elections.


Section 3


The Executive Committee will send out nomination ballots to all Alliance members for consideration.  Members may nominate any professional or student member or self-nominate. Nominations are due within 14 days of being sent by the Executive Committee. 


Section 4


Upon receiving nominations, the Executive Committee will contact each nominated member to ensure their eligibility and desire to remain on the final ballot. Individuals wishing to appear on the final ballot must prepare a one (1) page platform outlining their credentials for the position and desire for holding office. A platform template is provided to nominees. All members voting in the election will have the ability to view these platforms.


Section 5


The Executive Committee will send out the final ballot to all Alliance members for vote. All votes must be returned within 14 days of being sent by the Executive Committee. The nominee receiving the highest percentage of votes will win the election. In the event of a tie, a runoff election will take place. 


Section 6 


In the event that an existing Executive Committee officer vacates their position either by running for a new position or for other matters, the Executive Committee will hold a special election using the same policies outlined above.


Article VII. Committees of the Alliance


Section 1


The Executive Committee has the authority to create standing and ad hoc committees as needed to carry out the mission and strategic plan of the Alliance. Current standing committees include: Research Committee, Committee on Youth Sports, Committee on College Sports, Committee on Professional Sports, Education Committee, Committee on International Social Work, and Committee on Clincial Practice.


Section 2


The Research Committee is responsible for updating the ASWIS research consortium with current happenings in the field of athletics and social work.  The Research Committee should also work to increase the number of collaborative publications and research projects between ASWIS members.  This committee is also responsible for seeking and submitting grant proposals on behalf of ASWIS. The committee should place strong focus on clinical practice, influencing athletic policy, and promoting the unique strengths of the social work profession. The committee should also place an emphasis on the development of early-career scholars. 


Section 3


The Committee on Youth Sports is responsible developing a working agenda for how ASWIS can better serve vulnerable youth athletes. This agenda should help the Alliance achieve multiple phases of it's strategic plan. The committee should engage Alliance members in activities that impact professional development and has an impact on the social work profession within the field of youth athletics. The committee should identify organizations within youth sports that ASWIS could partner with to promote and advocate for athlete health and wellness. This includes facilitating conversations with these organizations around educational opportunities, consultation services, etc. The comittee should respond to stories that highlight the strengths and challenges facing the youth athlete population. This can be done through memorandums, social media, contacting media outlets, and other appropriate forms of support and advocacy. The committee should partner with youth sports organizations to provide internship opportunities for ASWIS student members and Sport Social Work Certificate students.  The committee should develop an annual webinar or alternate educational experience on sport social work within youth athletics. If possible, this educational outreach should offer continuing education units. The committee should utilize the Alliance regional structure to learn more about community-based and professional organizations working towards the well-being and functioning of athletes within the youth sport space.​


Section 4


The Committee on College Sports is responsible developing a working agenda for how ASWIS can better serve vulnerable college athletes. This agenda should help the Alliance achieve multiple phases of its strategic plan. The committee should engage Alliance members in activities that impact professional development and has an impact on the social work profession within the field of college athletics. The committee should identify organizations within college sports that ASWIS could partner with to promote and advocate for athlete health and wellness. This includes facilitating conversations with these organizations around educational opportunities, consultation services, etc. The committee should respond to stories that highlight the strengths and challenges facing the college athlete population. This can be done through memorandums, social media, contacting media outlets, and other appropriate forms of support and advocacy. The committee should partner with college sports organizations to provide internship opportunities for ASWIS student members and Sport Social Work Certificate students. The committee should develop an annual webinar or alternate educational experience on sport social work within college athletics. If possible, this educational outreach should offer continuing education units. The committee should utilize the Alliance regional structure to learn more about community-based and professional organizations working towards the well-being and functioning of athletes within the college sport space.​


Section 5


The Committee on Professional Sports is responsible developing a working agenda for how ASWIS can better serve vulnerable professional athletes. This agenda should help the Alliance achieve multiple phases of its strategic plan. The committee should engage Alliance members in activities that impact professional development and has an impact on the social work profession within the field of professional athletics. The committee should identify organizations within professional sports that ASWIS could partner with to promote and advocate for athlete health and wellness. This includes facilitating conversations with these organizations around educational opportunities, consultation services, etc. The committee should respond to stories that highlight the strengths and challenges facing the professional athlete population. This can be done through memorandums, social media, contacting media outlets, and other appropriate forms of support and advocacy. The committee should partner with professional sports organizations to provide internship opportunities for ASWIS student members and Sport Social Work Certificate students.  The committee should develop an annual webinar or alternate educational experience on sport social work within professional athletics. If possible, this educational outreach should offer continuing education units. The committee should utilize the Alliance regional structure to learn more about community-based and professional organizations working towards the well-being and functioning of athletes within the professional sport space.​


Section 6


The Education Committee is responsible for the oversight of the Sport Social Work Certificate Program based on social work theory, policy, research, and practice with a focus on EPAS standards. This includes all aspects of administration - student recruitment and retention, curriculum development and design, training and oversight of faculty members, strategic marketing, etc.  The committee will promote the Sport Social Work Certificate to employers seeking social workers in the athletic field. The committee will maintain a platform for hosting the Sport Social Work Certificate Program and the virtual class sessions required (Google Classroom and Zoom). The committee will work with institutes of higher education to seek BSW and MSW students for practicum placements and to help ASWIS student members find practicum placements in sport. The committee will work with accrediting bodies and institutes of higher education to offer special topic courses on Sport Social Work​​​. The committee will also work with bodies approving Continuing Education Units for the certificate program and other educational ventures. 


Section 7 


The Committee on Clinical Practice will develop a working agenda for how ASWIS can better serve vulnerable athletes through clinical social work practice. This agenda should help the Alliance achieve multiple phases of its strategic plan. The committee will support Alliance members in their efforts to earn a clinical license. The committee will oversee the vetting process for a list clinical social workers ASWIS can provide to sport-based organizations. The committee will educate organizations on the roles and responsibilities of clinical social workers. The committee will develop an annual webinar or alternate educational experience on clinical sport social work. If possible, this educational outreach should offer continuing education units. The committee will utilize the Alliance regional structure to learn more about community-based and professional organizations seeking to hire clinical social workers to promote the functioning of athletes.​​


Section 8 


The Committee on International Sport Social Work recognizes sport social work has no borders. The committee will develop a working agenda for how ASWIS can further understand, serve, and collaborate with international organizations serving athletes and the communities where they live around the world. This agenda will promote the ASWIS strategic plan. The committee will educate ASWIS members, as well as global sport organizations, on the roles and responsibilities of sport social workers in a global context, and the global opportunities to bring the mission and vision of the social work profession into global arenas addressing sport for development, peace, and social justice.  The committee will develop an annual webinar or alternate educational experience on International Sport Social Work. If possible, this educational outreach should offer continuing education units. The committee will utilize the Alliance regional structure to learn more about and positively impact community-based and professional organizations globally who are seeking to engage sport social work interns, and hire sport social workers.


Section 9


All standing committees report to members of the Executive Committee. Each Committee Chair is responsible for reporting to the Executive Committee during monthly organizational meetings by submitting a written summary at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. The Committee Chair should also prepare a brief update to share with ASWIS members during the annual Social Work in Sports Symposium.  


Section 10


Each standing committee should have one Chair elected by the members of the committee. Chairs shall remain in their appointment for a one (1) year term. Chairs must be current members of the Alliance and in good standing. All other standing committee members must also be a current member of the Alliance in good standing. Standing committee members will serve in their role for a one (1) year term. There are no term limits associated with committee work. However, a chair can only serve in that role for a maximum of two (2) consecutive years.     


Article VIII. Publications of the Alliance


The Alliance retains the rights to all journals, newsletters, handbooks, texts, web pages and other products as officially sponsored by the Alliance.


Article IX. Representation of the Alliance (Pending Edits and Vote of Membership)  


Members of the Alliance must seek permission from the Executive Committee to officially speak on behalf of the Alliance. This includes not using the Alliance name, image, or likeness without express written consent of the Executive Committee. All materials using the Alliance name, image, or likeness must go through a formal vetting process. Individuals wishing to speak on behalf of the Alliance must request permission from the Alliance Communications Director within14 days of any engagement. Members failing to comply to this article are subject to removal from the Alliance.  


Article X. Meetings of the Alliance


Section 1


There shall be at least one (1) meeting each year of the Alliance.  The times and places of the meetings will be set to coincide with the Annual Social Work in Sports Symposium.


Section 2


All meetings of the Alliance and the Executive Committee will be held under the bylaws of the Alliance and procedures shall be governed by the rules set forth in Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary Procedures, newly revised.


Article XI. Finance


Section 1


The fiscal year of the Alliance shall begin on the first day of the first month of the fiscal year as determined by the Executive Committee.


Section 2 


The Executive Committee shall adopt a budget of revenue and expenditures for each fiscal year.


Article XII. Amendments


Section 1


The Executive Committee has oversight of the organizational bylaws.


Section 2


Bylaw amendments may be proposed by anyone in the membership.


Section 3


Approved amendments become effective when the Executive Committee, usually at the next meeting, verifies the tallies except when an emergency exists and is so noted in the proposed amendment. Verification of the emergency may be made via mail, phone, or electronic means.


Article XIII. Disclaimer


Section 1


Nothing in these bylaws should be construed as in opposition to the Constitution and/or Operating Bylaws of other relevant associations. 

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