ASWIS History
Established in 2015, the Alliance of Social Workers in Sports raises awareness of the ways in which social work practice can partner with and contribute to all levels and all segments of sports. ASWIS promotes a social worker in sports perspective that is grounded in social and economic justice, strength-based approaches, and person-in-environment frameworks. ASWIS encourages the full range of social work practice in sports, from case management and clinical services through advocacy and policy practice for every level and segment of sports.
ASWIS finalized its incorporation in June 2016 and become an official 501(c)(3) in March of 2017.
EIN Number: 81-3890412
William Abe, Student, University of Southern California
Matthew Ahlberg, LMSW - High Watch Recovery Center/University of Saint Joseph
Nafees Alam, PhD, LMSW - Boise State University
Jackie Albanes, LCSW-C, LICSW - District of Columbia Public Schools
Saundre Allen, LCSW - Queens N' Therapy
Brian Anderson, PhD, MSW - Jackson State University
Dawn Anderson-Butcher, PhD, LISW-S - The Ohio State University
Barb Anthony, MSSA, LISW-S - Northeast Ohio Women's Sports Alliance
Anil Arora, LCSW - University of Houston
Hannah Ashley, MSW, LCSW - Baylor University
Francis Asprec - Coalition for Asian American Children and Families
Tony Austin, MSW - Communities in Schools, Heart of Texas
Carinthia Bank, LSW, MSW, MS - Rowan Psychotherapy and Consulting, PLLC
Katie Bartley, LMSW - Therapy Austin
Samantha Bates, PhD, LMSW - The Ohio State University
Kristie Baumchan, LCSW - University of Kansas
Catherine Beach, LAMFT - SAGE and SafeSport
Lauren Beasley, LMSW - University of Tennessee
Samuel Beauregard, MSW, LCSW - Wayside Youth and Family Support Network
Eliza Beird, University of Michigan
Aaron Benard - Eastern Michigan University
Kimberly Black, LCSW, LCAS, MPH, M.Div. - Kimberly Black Counseling & Consulting PLLC
Tara Boer, LISW - Sioux Center Behavioral Health/Dordt University
Lisa Bonta Sumii, LCSW - Psychotherapist/Sport Performance Consultant
Christine Boyd-Francis, LMSW - State of New York
Taliya Braden - Indiana University
Dawn Brady - University of Denver
Michaela Breeze - Cayuga Community College
Daniel Bromley, RSW
Armanee' Broussard, LMSW - Lafayette Parish School System
Vanessa Brown, MSW, LCSW - Williams College
Carolyn Buoscio - Student, University of Southern California (USC)
Nellie Burke
Lou Bustos, MS - University of Alabama
Julie Caine, MSW, LCSW - Fontbonne University
Laura Cardinal, LICSW - University of Southern California
Anabel Carter, LCSW - Owner of Mindfulness Counseling Associates LLC
Warren Clark, LMSW - University of Michigan
Jasmine Cohen, LCSW - DoD/ Mindz Matter
Dani Cohn - University of Michigan
Corinne Coia, MSW - University of Notre Dame
Katey Collins, LCSW - Bee Happy Therapy, LLC
Carol Cook - St. Ambrose University
Griffin Corbett - University of Alabama
Arielle Cowsette, MSW, LSW - Upper Darby School District
Dennis Crowell, MSW - University of Illinois
Patricia Cruz, Ph.D., LCSW - Belhaven University
Jennifer Cruze, MSW, LICSW - Swedish Medical Center, Northshore School District
Geoff Cushner, MSW, LICSW - Athlete Mental Health and Wellness
Betsy Cutler, MA - College Wellness Programs
Courtney Cutlip - University of Illinois at Chicago
Anita A. Daniels, LCSW, LCAS, CCS - Actualities Limited
Johnique Davis, A.M, M.Ed - Dwight D. Eisenhower High School
Bre Dawson, LMSW
Eric Dawson, LMSW - Redeemer Counseling Services
Ashley Devan, MSW, LCSWA - Anuvia Prevention and Recovery Center
Alex Diaz, PhD, LCSW - Peak Performance Mental Coaching
Patricia Dixon, MSW, LMSW, ACSW - Wayne State University
Kyle Donohue, MSW, M.Div - Waco Independent School District
Kayla Douglas, LLMSW - Dare to Be
Sara Driesenga, LLMSW - Central Michigan University
Lori Dugan, MSW, LCSW - University of North Carolina Wilmington
Kristina Faimon, PhD, LCSW - University of Nebraska Omaha
Marc Felizzi, PhD, LCSW - Millersville University
Melanie Fierstine, LICSW - Minot State University/North Dakota State University
Orionee Fitts - University of South Florida
Annie Flanagan, LCSW - State of CT Dept of MH
Claire Fuller, MSW - Creative Ways Therapy
James Garcia-Prats - Professional, Houston reVision
Josselin Geer - Texas A&M International UniversityJennifer Gapin Farrell, PhD, MSW, LCSW, CC-AASP - UNC-GreensboroSantamaria Gail, LCSW - Private Practice
Kimberly Gibson, MSW - University of Alabama
Angela Givian, LMSW - Andrews & Associates, Inc. - Private Practice
Jamie Glick, LCSW, LAC - University of Denver
Lauren Gordon, LCSW - Self-Employed
Kayla Grande-White, MSW, LCSW - My Friend's Place
Natalie Graves, AM, LCSW, CADC - Natalie Graves Athletic Counseling
Kareema Gray, Ph.D., MSW - Johnson C. Smith University
Tami Greene - Ball State University
Cori Guay, MSW, LSW - Private Practice
Ginger Gummelt, PhD, LCSW - Lamar University
Brad Hambric, MA, NCC, LPSC, LCAS-A - University of Georgia
Rachel Hamilton - Syracuse University
David Harris, LCSW - Positive By Design LLC
Tanja Harris
Janae Heaney - The Brown School at Washington University St. Louis
Jim Helling, LICSW - University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Michael Henry - North Carolina State University
Janice Hilliard, PhD - Hilliard Creative Education & Development Solutions, LLMontana C
Montana Hocutt, BSW - North Carolina State University
Brooke Hogg, MSW - Walden University
Daniel Holcomb - Cal State Northridge
Marlene Holmes, MSW - Barry University
Danita Horton, MA, LCAS - University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Derrick Howell, LCSW - Humble Monarch Therapy
Melody Huslage, MSSW - University of Tennessee
Jeffrey Inada, MSW, DSW-C - University of Southern California
Janae Ingram, LCSW - Living Intentionally to Transform
Teri Lyn Iversen - Concordia University
Suzette Jacob, LCSW - Illinois Department of Human Services
Courtney Jackson, Student, Baylor University
Jamal Jackson, LCSW - Student-Athlete Counseling
Rachael Jankowsky French, LSW - Chicago Fire FC
Katie Johnson, LISW - Johnson Counseling Services, LLC
Michael Johnson, EdD, MSW - University of Southern California
Jessica Joiner, MSW, LCSW, CACIII - Clinical Private Practice
Sarah Joyner, LMSW - Austin Therapy For Girls
Cassidy Kahn, MSW, LMSW
Kate Kaufman Burns, MSW, LCSW-RS - Siena College
Victor Kidd, PhD, LMSW, MSW
Spencer Kilpatrick, MSW, LICSW - Synergy Counseling Services, LLC
Kyra Kimber, MSW, LSW - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Melissa Kimber, PhD, MSW - McMaster University and Locke Psychotherapy Group
Carly Kimiecik - Purdue University
Kaitlyn Kovar, LSW - JFK Medical Center
Stacy Kratz, PhD, LCSW, CAP - University of Southern California
Garrett LaMartina - Millersville University
Tobie Langsam - Adelphi University
Alisha Lassiter, LCSWA - Pride in NC, LLC
Mary Lawson Day, LMSW - Union University
Christy Linder
Katie Lingle - University of Michigan
Ellie Lipton, MSW, LCSW - Private Practice
Janice Little, MBA - University of Texas at Austin
Lana Loken Ed.D., ATC - Dakota Wesleyan University
Ryan Long - Rutgers University
Gilbert Lopez Jr., LCSW - Texas State University
Claudia Lopez-Matamoros - University of South Florida
Luba Lowery, MSW, LICSW - Eliot Community Human Services
Jessica Lucason Leckner, LCWS - Self-Employed
Sydney Mack
Esmeralda Madrigal, LCSW - Private Practice
Whitney Mangum - LMSW
Anna Marcolin, LCSW - Private Practice
Jhazzman Martin, LMSW - Allegiance Behavioral Health Center
Hilda Martinez-Reyes, MSW, LPN - Sarasota Memorial Hospital
Abby McCarthy, MSW, LCSW - McCarthy Counseling LLC
Amanda McDonald, MSW, MSK - Southeastern University
Kalyn McDonough, MSW - University of Delaware
Lisa McKay - Trent University
Amanda McKinley, MSW - IUPUI
Jacqueline McLean, MSW, LICSW - Self-Employed
Sydney McSorley, MSW, LSW - Refresh Mental Health
Jakayla McSwain - University of Louisville
Rossanna Mendez Cole, LCSW - The Missing Key
Cindy Miller Aron, LCSW, CGP, FAGPA - Private Practice (Portland, OR)
Kate Miller, LMHC - Private Practice
Lauren Miller, DSW, LCSW - Tulane University
Orlando Milton Jr., PhD, MSW - Texas Southern University
Kelli Monedero, LCSW - Indiana University
Cambreisha Montgomery, MSW, ACSW - Vista Del Mar
Matt Moore, PhD, MSW - Ball State University and Anderson University
Lorin Mordecai Tredinnick, Ph.D., MSW, LSW - Kean University
Christine A. Mosher, LICSW - Walden Behavioral Care
Taliah Muhammad, LCSW - Life Redefined Consulting
Shelly Mullenix, MSW, MS, ATC - Louisiana State University
Eddie Mungai, MSW - McCaFi
Michaela Murphy, University of Michigan
Jaco Nason - Washington University in St. Louis
Timothy Neal, MS, AT, ATC, CCISM - Concordia University
Tarkington Newman, PhD, MSW, MS - University of New Hampshire
Traci Nigg, LMSW - The Ohio State University
Noel Nkuranyabahizi - Rwanda Karate Federation
Lindsay Nolan, LMSW, LCSW - NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospital
Nia Oden-McCann - Adelphi University
Jesse O'Donnell, MSW - University of Denver
Brandon Ousley, MSW, NMP - University of Memphis
Kim Outlaw, PhD, MSW, CSOTS, MAC, CSAS, MSWAC, CCBT, LCAS - Pitt Comm. College
Shannon Paskaris, MSW - Private Practice
Sohni Patel - Columbia University
Jill Patent, MSW, LCSW, CCM - Tulane Professional Athlete Care Team
Patrice Pelmore, MSW - Family Advocacy
Alessia Perez, MSW - Elevated Counseling and Wellness
Faith Pinamang - University of South Florida
Kimberly Plourde, MSW, LCSW - Thriveworks
Karen Ponder, LCSW - Private Practice
Amy Pope-Latham, LCSW - Coastal Beaches Therapy
Deidre Porter, EdD, MA - Cypress College
Suzanne Potts, LMSW, MPH - University of Texas
Jalyn Ramseur, MSW - University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Holly Randall, LCSW
Jerry Reynolds, LMSW - Ball State University
John Ristau - University of Michigan/Metro Detroit Youth Clubs
Bretty Riley, MSG, MSW - Major League Baseball
Paige Roberts, MSW LCSW LICSW - On Point Performance Neuro Training LLC
Dawn Robertson, LCSW, ACHP-SW, ACM - Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Tory Robinson - University of Nebraska - Omaha
Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, PhD, LCSW, CNP - Simmons University
Stephanie Rosado - University of South Florida
Monica Rosario, BS - University of Texas at Austin
Diana Rowan, PhD - UNC Charlotte
Liz Sack, Student, Georgetown University
Lindsey Sanders, PhD, LCSW, MSW - Cigna
Gina Scalzo, LSW
Tyler Schaffer, MHP - University of Illinois
Travis Scheadler, MS - The Ohio State University
Kaitlin Schmucker, ASW
Trae Scoops, LLC
Micah Schnurstein, MSW, LCSW - Aspire Mental Health / Seeds2Succeed
Dawn Shadron, LCSW - University of Connecticut
Pramod Shankran - Just for Kicks
Carly Silverstein - University of Georgia
Renee Smith-Maddox, PhD - University of Southern California
Sabrina Snowberger - University of Alabama
John Southee, LMSW - San Antonio ISD
Brandon St. Croix, MSW, RSW - Eastern Health
Kelly Spehar - University of Michigan
Kathryn Sporing-Kovach, LPC - In Bounds PDX
Sarah Stadnik, MSW, LCSW - MD Anderson Cancer Center
Joe Stan, MS - Austin Community College
Heather Stan - University of Texas at Austin
Chantay Stanley
Erin U. Starkey, LCSW - Private Practice
Andrew Sullivan - The Ithaca Times
Dana Sullivan, PhD, MSW - Western Kentucky University
Charon Sumler, LPC, NBCC - The Ohio State University
Cecelia Tarr - University of New Hampshire
Evi Taylor, PhD, LCSW - University of North Carolina
Shauntenette Telepak - Our Lady of the Lake University
Jenny Tharpe Smith, EdS, MSW - Lenoir Rhyne University
Renee Towles, MSW - Professional, United Soccer League (USL)
Tiffany Turner, LCMSW - Professional, Infinity Wellness Center & Consulting
Billy Thom, LMSW - Millbrook SchoolSharilyn Twidwell, MSW - Zenith Aquatic Program
Jessyca Vandercoy, LCSW - Whole Collective and University of Nebraska Kearney
Nicole Vandehurst - University of Southern California
William Vanderwill, LMFT, BCD - University of Michigan
Jesus Vasquez, MSW, LCSW
Lea Velez, DSW, MSW - Texas State University
Wendy Waddell - University of Alabama
Rebecca Wade-Mdivanian, MSW, LISW-S - The Ohio State University
Molly Ann Walke, LMSW - Baylor University
Simone Walton, DSW(c), MSW - HIAS
Charlotte Warren, LCSW, LCASA - University of Georgia
Jameka Wasson, MS - North Carolina Central
Robert Watts III, LCSW, MSW - UC Berkeley
Richard Weaver, MSSW, CSW, LSW - University of Louisville
Katie Webb, LCSW - Simmons University
Dani Weinstock - University of Southern California
Cali Werner, LMSW - McLean OCD Institute
Dena Werner, LCSW - Yeshiva University
Cooper Williams - Indiana University
Crystal Williams, LCSW - Channels 4 Change, LLC
Haley Williams, MSSW - University of Texas at Austin
Wan'ya Williams - IUFW
Kris Wilson - St. Anslem College
S. Lavi Wilson, DSW, LCSW - North Carolina Central University
Karen Winston, LCSW - Private Practice
Kiana Winston, LMSW - Tuscaloosa's One Place
Elizabeth Winter, PhD, MSW, MA, LSW - University of Pittsburg
Lauren Wise - Northern Kentucky University
Dustin Wooldridge - University of Denver
Anastasia Zubek - Jane Addams School of Social Work
Kendi Zvokel - Ball State University
Certified Sport Social Workers (Completed Certificate Program and Internship)
Lucija Vlasic
Alex Diaz
Taylor Spells
Jennie Waldner
Brian Chaney
Ashlea Hopkins
Maureen McDonald
Becky Sowers
Brandon Ousley
Darcel Dillard-Suite
Kristina Faimon
Jessica Durand
Alex Black
Eric Dawson
​Pramod Shankaran
Holly Randall
Symone Lyles
Bre Dawson
Dustin Wooldridge
Amari Hartsfield
Nicolo Porto
Completed Sport Social Worker Certificate Coursework (CEU Eligible)
Danielle Snyder
Danielle Lindstrom
Julie Larsen
Kathryn Drudy
Carlisa Harri
Nick Vincent
Madeline Durie
Devon Bonnemere
Lacy Duke
Rosie Martinez
Jade Patterson
Jai Combest
Katie Balint
Spencer Kilpatrick
Joanna Pomerantz
Melinda Duplichan
Molly Groth
Ann Bolling
Kristina Coffinger
Samuel Beauregard
Wendy Portnoff
Victoria Montenegro
Whitney Booth
Ellyn Klea
Courtney Gattis
Dave Kells
Ryan McAdams
Krystle Davis
Tia Gilbert
Harold Shines
Marcus Jones
John Mysz
Lana Loken
Jen Boa
Elizabeth Moberg
Jaleesa Celestine
Suzette Jacob
Kristina Murray
Meghan Hampton
Joe Stan
Holly Vaughn-Edmond
Morgan Phoebus
Nick Artis
Jacina Hall
Lena Harris
Rachel Hamilton
Ashley Richard
Chris Baxter
Current Students